Do you ever look in the mirror and say, "Ugh...I need a new look"? I've often looked at our web site and said the same thing. Recently, we were offered a special opportunity from our hosting company, MemberClicks, to upgrade to a new platform. Our web site is getting a facelift!
Starting in November, we'll make the transition through our tech facelift which will beautify the front AND back ends.
Here's the gist of what will change:
- Visually, the page will have a hero image and call to action.
- The Member Directory and Event Calendar will be mobile-optimized.
- You'll have the ability to search the directory by address, zip code, city, state...pinpoint accuracy.
- Members will have a one-click renewal process via an auto-generated invoice.
- Improved multi-person registration forms.
- A Job Board that will be free for members to use. Non-members can pay to post and the Association will keep 70% of that revenue generated - additional funding for our scholarships and non-revenue generating professional development events like Visit the Hill.
- Member organizations can have one or multiple key contacts who can make changes to the profiles for those people associated with their organization, plus register them for events.
There are other changes that will streamline what I do on the back side and to assist with our financial recordkeeping in QuickBooks.
Change is good especially when there are no associate costs. We will not have to pay for the upgrade and, if it's completed in 30 days from the time it is scheduled, the monthly fee we pay will remain the same. There will be some homework and cleaning on my end and you won't experience any changes for now. But, we'll keep you posted closer to the switch over.