2024-2025 College Fair Schedule

Fees for 2024-2025
One Fair (In-State or Out of State): $350
In-State Reduced Participation (2-5 fairs): $600
In-State Full Participation (More than 5 Fairs): $650
Out-of-State Reduced Participation (2-5 fairs): $750
Out-of-State Full Participation (More than 5 Fairs): $850

Register by our priority deadline of August 10. 

A late fee of $300 will be assessed after August 10, if space is still available.

Please register for the full year of fairs. You can make changes later, if needed.

Watch this page, listserv messages and our Facebook page for updates on programs.

Read Before Registering!

  • The cost of registration does not include the StriveScan costs for names. If you’d like to use StriveScan to capture student names please be sure to buy StriveScan credits.

  • The Key Contact may submit the form for the attending representative. The Key Contact is responsible for updating all staff membership information on the web site. If the attending representative transitions from your office, it is the Key Contact's responsibility to unlink their profile, inform us at [email protected] and give us the proper contact information, and we will delete their profile. Key Contact Instructions

  • Communication regarding the fairs will be sent to the person listed as the attending representative. It is strongly advised that whomever completes the form shares their selected schedule with their Director and/or office manager.

  • Institutions/organizations who sign up for our fairs receive an institutional membership as part of the package. Do NOT submit a separate membership form. Please make sure any new staff members are aware of this, too, so they don’t unnecessarily sign up for membership.

  • A copy of the registration submission is housed under the online profile of the person who submitted the form. The invoice is accessible by the Key Contact or the person who submitted the form. Key Contact Information



Iowa ACAC uses StriveScan for college fair scanning. 

Iowa ACAC partners with StriveScan to bring their student barcode scanning technology to our college fairs starting in the spring. StriveScan makes the experience more efficient and productive for students and colleges, plus provides Iowa ACAC and the fair organizers with valuable data about the events.

StriveScan is used at college fairs around the country, including by other NACAC affiliates including Illinois, Missouri, Great Plains, Rocky Mountain, Pacific Northwest, Western, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii ACACs, plus the Colleges That Change Lives, Jesuit Excellence Tour, Montana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council, and Linden Tours. More than 2,000 colleges have used StriveScan at hundreds of college fairs around the country and in 68 different countries.

More information is available under StriveScan Barcode Scanning.

Questions?  Please email [email protected] with any questions!