Fall College Fairs - Check!

“Oops, I forgot my table banner!” 

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Two Minutes With...Jedd Taylor

After 10 years of teaching history and government, Jedd Taylor switched gears. He completed school counseling training, and became school counselor for grades 11 and 12 at Glenwood Community High School (Glenwood, Iowa). With the exception of one semester as a long-term substitute, he has spent all 15 years at Glenwood.

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Assembly Brief

At the 73rd NACAC Conference, the Iowa ACAC Assembly Delegates were part of a historical and defining vote. 

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15 Years R.I.D.E“ing” Strong!

The 15th Annual R.I.D.E. (Rediscovering Iowa’s Diverse Education) took place June 11-14, 2017, in eastern Iowa. Thirty-one high school and independent counselors from throughout the state of Iowa visited Kirkwood Community College, Northeast Iowa Community College (Peosta), University of Dubuque, Loras College, Clarke University, Cornell College, Mount Mercy University, and Coe College. The participants toured the various campuses, learned about admission requirements and heard from faculty, current student, and several college presidents about the unique mission of each institution. A huge thank you to the host institutions for their amazing hospitality including providing meals and giveaways, coordinating the many details of the visits, and providing overnight accommodations. Partial funding for the R.I.D.E. was also provided by an Imagine Grant from the National Association for College Admission Counseling. All attendees expressed how beneficial this free event was for their professional knowledge and well as the many students they serve! Thank you to these wonderful counselors for taking time to join us. 
Please keep your eyes open for information on next year’s R.I.D.E.  Looking forward to another great event next year!

Admission Counselor University – The Hit of the Summer!

 On the evening of July 19, 2017, 39 new Admission professionals embarked on their Iowa ACAC journey. Iowa ACAC member institution, Coe College, hosted the yearly ACU professional development opportunity. The fun kicked off with an evening cheering on the Cedar Rapids Kernels, and newly formed friendships weathered a storm of biblical proportions.

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Fair Thinking

My husband and I made our biennial sojourn to the Iowa State Fair this year. Our walk through the Varied Industries Building always brings back memories about the many years I worked there, while in college admissions. Most noticeable change for me? The number of colleges with displays in the Varied Industries Building. 

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