L.E.A.P. 2024 is Coming!

LEAP Conference will take place Wednesday, November 20th from 9:15am - 2:00pm at DMACC Ankeny Campus. This free event is  tailored to students grades 10-12 who are the first in their family to pursue a college degree and from other underrepresented populations. Attendees will feel empowered to develop plans for their future as well as understand the value of leadership and academic success.

Students will hear from keynote speaker Jordan Brooks about the importance of knowing yourself, break into smaller groups and select which engaging workshops they would like to attend, and end the day with a resource fair. Breakout sessions this year will include topics such as networking, choosing the right college for you, how to transition into the independence of adulthood, the student athlete experience and more!

Travel stipends are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to help cover some transportation expenses. To be eligible, schools must be a minimum distance of 75 miles from DMACC. For more information, please contact me at [email protected].

Watch for registration to open soon at https://www.iowaacac.org/leap-conference!.

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